Friday, 10 May 2013

Artistic WOW: Riusuke Fukahori

Believe it or not, these are NOT photographs of happy, swimming fish. Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori, merges the boundary between painting and sculpture. The process is meticulous. Fukahori alternately layers liquid resin and a painted 2D cross section of the fish, revealing more of the creature each time.   

This really is sheer optical illusion. Watch the video below to see the magic happen!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

So I received these in the post today...

To my boyfriend over in Georgia, Atlanta, US of A, I thank you.

So what do we have here in this glorious array of colour? From the top right corner clockwise: dark chocolate m&m's, coconut m&m's, mint m&m's, Rainbow Nerds and Red Vines. (There was also a bag of dark chocolate and raspberry m&m's but the evidence seems to have vanished.)

When it comes to candy, America knows how to put the cherry on top. For a nation with an infamous sweet tooth, Britain is lagging behind. Only good can come of such a variety of m&m fillings.

Such sickeningly sweet goodness is not completely out of our reach though. If you don't have a willing correspondent, Stateside but are desperate for some cavity causing, candy, cereal and even Kool Aid, visit Cybercandy online or in store. Although there is nothing like experiencing the true American candy isle.